Study questions

  1. Assume that you have been given the responsibility for supervising the data entry for this survey and that you have four data entry clerks. Describe how you would organise the data entry and plan a suitable checking procedure to ensure that the data entry errors are minimised.

  2. Demonstrate that you can use GenStat as shown in this case study to analyse of proportions of households involved in different activities.

  3. Demonstrate that you can use Instat to generate the numbers of households shown in this case study to own different species.

  4. Assume that members of your class are farmers. Prepare a talk using results from this case study that you think will be of interest to them.

  5. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of database management systems such as Access compared with a system based on spread sheets such as Excel and the types of situations where you would prefer to use one or the other.